The world is not as flat as we’d like to think. Beliefs, practices, and behaviors are still hugely diverse, complex, and fluid across the globe. That's why our work focuses on understanding cultural context before all else.
By taking time to go deep with fully-embedded ethnographic research (we immerse into a new environment, observe, study, and participate in people’s daily lives), we utilize our expertise in the social sciences and humanities (Anthropology, Sociology, Psychology, Design and Marketing) to reveal what matters most.
We do what an isolated lab could never do – we go to the source to unlock powerful insights based on in-context, people-centric data that cuts through the fog of global complexity and gives clear direction and meaning to businesses.
Reduce complexity and build understanding that drives corporate action.
Model contextual variables, behaviors, and barriers to innovative success.
Identify and map new opportunity areas and markets primed for growth.